We Simplify The Insurance Process
We Are Dedicated To The Professional Association Insurance Industry Nationwide.
United States Equestrian Federation

A Group Health Insurance Plan designed to provide significant savings in your monthly employee healthcare premium now available to USEF members. Only 2 employees needed to enroll. This plan is underwritten by a well known A+ rated carrier that will provide our clients access to the Private Healthcare Systems (PHCS) and their Multi-Plan Network. Some features include:
- No Underwriting
- Guaranteed Issue
- No Health Questions
- $0 Deductible Plans
- ACA compliant
- Multiple Plan Options
- National PPO Network
- No Contribution Requirement
- 2 Enrolled to Establish Group
- Shelf Rated (Everyone gets the same rates)
- Available in all 50 states
- Guaranteed Issue
- No Health Questions
- $0 Deductible Plans
- ACA compliant
- Multiple Plan Options
- National PPO Network
- No Contribution Requirement
- 2 Enrolled to Establish Group
- Shelf Rated (Everyone gets the same rates)
- Available in all 50 states
Call at 1-888-413-8004 to enroll or learn more!

USEF Health Insurance Slip Sheet
USEF Slipsheet
Our Testimonials
Past Members Speak Their Mind
First, I would like to thank you for your assistance in obtaining a $100,000 life insurance policy which is a better plan for me. Jane Corbett, my sister, has been corresponding with, per my authorization. She mentioned to me that you had e-mailed her regarding the cancellation of the $25,000 Policy # MET-2-1543 and $29,000 Policy # MET-2-387 or to just let them lapse. Since the replacement policy of $100,000 is now in place as I received the Certificate Confirmation Statement along with my Certificateholder Benefit Plan, I am authorizing the cancellation of the two above mentioned policies. Again, I appreciate your guidance in getting the best plan in place.R.L.
I certainly wish there were more dedicated insurance agents like you. I will always want to keep this life insurance for myself and my husband. I guess I need to add a second beneficiary so the benefits won’t be paid to my estate in the event my husband has died before me. Thank you.M.P.
Thank you for your time this morning during our discussion about my insurance policies. Peter and I really appreciated your explanation regarding our benefits as well as some of the nuances of the policies. What a treat compared to some responses we've gotten over the years - thank you! Hope you had a good rest of the day and that you have a nice week. And thank you in advance for putting together our policy information to send via USPS. Much appreciated!B.M.
Wow. I can’t think of any other time I’ve had an assignment executed so quickly, never mind having two all done! You are definitely the man, Mike. Much appreciated…L.K.
Thank you for helping me! It is nice to have a knowledgeable local agent and your process is so much more convenient than what I’ve been dealing with for so many years. Thanks again.J.T.